Sussex Preserve Subdivision
Sussex Preserve consists of 146 single family residential lots west of Maple Avenue in Sussex, WI. Features include a Club House and Swimming Pool as well as a adjacent to a Nature Preserve.
The first phase has begun! The first phase will consist of 44 diverse lots. Some are wooded, lookouts, walkouts and standard.
Home – lot packages will start in the upper $300’s and will be available thru William Ryan Homes.
William Ryan Home’s sales office will temporarily be in the Old Community Center (W240 N5765 Maple Avenue) directly next to the future community. They are open from 10AM – 5PM Tuesday thru Saturday and 11AM – 5PM on Sundays.
For inquiries and/or appointments, please contact Liz at
(414) 367-8828
Also, feel free to check out William Ryan Home’s website: LINK